Pet Boarding

Looking For A Pet Hotel Or Pet Boarding While You Are
Away On Your Holiday Or Overseas Trip?


Are you feeling vexed over where to board your pet while you’re going away for leisure or work? Rest assured, Inspiration School of Pet Grooming will take good care of your pet. We provide a fun, safe and upscale environment for your pets and we ensure that your pet will be in a clean and well-kept pet boarding place during their stay. Our staffs are trained in dog behaviour, safety and health management and are there to ensure that your pet does not get infected with any diseases from other boarders. De-ticking is compulsory for any pets boarding with us. You are advised to provide your own dog food if you have a fussy pet or one that gets tummy upset easily and to give any necessary proper instruction.


Deticking Cat Small Animals Toy Breed Medium Breed Large Breed
Every 7-days needs to be renewed $ 12 $ 12 $ 12 $ 15 $ 15
Boarding Rates Cat Small Animals Toy Breed Medium Breed Large Breed
Per Animal (Per Day) $ 25 $ 25 $ 25 $ 30 $ 50
Boarding Rates (Peak Period) Cat Small Animals Toy Breed Medium Breed Large Breed
Per Animal (Perday) Please call to check Peak Period Boarding Rates
Long Term Boarding Rates- Minimum 3 Months + 1 Month Deposit Cat Small Animals Toy Breed Medium Breed Large Breed
Per Animal (Per Month) Prices include Deticking $ 408 $ 408 $ 408 $ 510 $ 660

Pet Boarding Terms & Conditions

– Full payment in advance
– Free basic grooming for 5 days and above
– Transportation: $40 onwards if needed
– Deticking is Mandatory
– Free basic grooming and bath before return are not entitled for small animals and cats even though the pet is boarded for more than 5 days.
– Meals twice a day
– Out for walks within the compound.